Category: on Tour
Music Tour production for various music projects, namely INFLUUT, KosmoSCore by Daniel Maszkowicz, Biblioteq Mdulair, and more to come.

KosmoSCore / Kosmosmoniun
Data Sonification Live / SuperCollider Workshop
Trip with several goals among which Research and Diffusion of various music and workshop projects. Daniel Maszkowicz was invited by Festival A bunch of Noise in Shanghai, opportunity for a Chinese tour presenting mostly KosmoSCore. The proximity with Hong Kong and Macau, will allow to show for the first time Data Sonification live, together with an invited workshop at City University of Hong Kong. This project will be presented in several venues, galleries and residencies in Vietnam.

Cie Intuitio·Hilarè presents
una e mille 一人と千人
physical theatre, puppets, live music and video. Created and performed by Nat Cilia and Ilaria Olivari. Produced by SZKMD production Produced by SZKMD production with the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, FSRC/SRKS and Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS

Electroacoustic Post Jazz duo INFLUUT on Tour in Germany and Poland in two versions: INFLUUT live stereo and INFLUUT multichannel set with 16 channel immersive soundsystem based on small speakers.
Shiny Toys Festival, Mülheim an der Ruhr – Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk – U n i c o r n Klub Chmury, Warszawa – 19 Rzek, Łódź – Klub Mózg, Bydgoszcz – FORMA / FORMA – CK Zamek, Poznań